Friday, February 11, 2011

Beth Shean

Also known as Bet Shean, Bet Shan and Beth Shan.

Although Jesus never visited Beth Shean (in fact he walked around it when travelling), this was one of the most fascinating historic sites in my opinion.  Excavations in this city show 18 levels of occupation.  This was a thriving place at one time because of it's central location between roads that went north to Syria, east to Jordan, south to Egypt and west to the Mediterranean.  The views we have pictured below is only about a 10th of what scholars estimate the actual size of the city to have been back in the time of Christ. 

One very significant scripture reference to Beth Shean is found in 1 Samuel 31 when the Israelites lead by Saul were defeated by the Philistines.  Rather than be killed by the enemy, Saul fell on his own sword.  Three of his sons had already been killed.  Pick up the scripture here:

1 Samuel 31:8-10 (The Message)
 8-10 The next day, when the Philistines came to rob the dead, they found Saul and his three sons dead on Mount Gilboa. They cut off Saul's head and stripped off his armor. Then they spread the good news all through Philistine country in the shrines of their idols and among the people. They displayed his armor in the shrine of the Ashtoreth. They nailed his corpse to the wall at Beth Shan.

This would have been the main street of the city with stately columns leading to the spas and bath houses.  Mosaic tile floors are still visible.  This road is angled to drain water and given it's appearance close up it was where the chariots travelled.

This was quite a climb but worth it!  This mud wall is the very wall that Saul and his sons were hung over to be on display to the city of Beth Shean.

This is a view of the city from the theatre.  In the distance is the mountain where the mud wall is located (see top right).

View of the city and excavation sites from the hilltop.

The tents are where new excavation is taking place.  Again, what we are seeing is just a 10th of the actual size of Beth Shean in the days of Christ.

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